Saturday, June 02, 2007

more of Rwanda

Here are some more photos from my time in Rwanda. It was a good time. This are some of my favorite shots that i got.
one of the orphans praying during church

a family at the church that we worked with

my favorite picture. we saw this kid when we
went up to a village to play soccer. It had just finished
raining and this kid was so muddy.

another kid that came to watch our soccer game

i loved having my new camera and getting great portraits

this man was one of the coolest people i have ever met.
his story was amazing. the stories of him surviving through
the genocide and how god protected him are wild.

we met this man that was crippled on our street. we saw him
almost everyday. our last day there i printed him this
picture and took it to him.
he was so happy.

this is a picture of beth among all the people that came
to our soccer game.

1 comment:

Stacey said...

I love that first pic of the little boy with his hands folded in prayer! So sweet...