So i feel horrible, but we have not been as good at taking pictures of Liam like we did with Eli. I think there are already like 2000 more photos of Eli when he was 2 months old than we have of Liam. But here a few. I still have more on my camera that i have to take off this week.
here are some pics of the last couple months...
Eli making one his faces

Liam being cute in a Tonka truck

more cuteness in the truck

Eli wearing my hat

Eli with his cousin(on left) and Liam

Eli playing in his pool at Grandma's house

Eli and his friend Pablo

Eli sort of riding a bike...he was sitting and i was pushing him
Finally! Keep posting!
It's ok Will, we have absolutely no pictures of Sam!!!!!!!!!! : )
seriously: FINALLY! took you long enough. Liam is presh!
i want more pictures of you Will
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