I just wanted to write a post about how thankful i am for everything that God provides for us. I have been thinking alot lately. Our friend died two weeks ago in a motorcycle accident. He was 28 the same age as me, he had a wife and had been married for about 5 years. We went with his wife to Mississippi after hurricane katrina.
His accident has made me start thinking lots lately about how we are fortunate for every day we have. To make the most out of every day that we have. To be thankful for everything. God has blessed me with an amazing wife.

Lori is so good to me, and some days i feel like i don't even deserve her, and i don't but i'm lucky enough to spend the rest of my life with her. Then we have an awesome little boy, he's healthy, fun, full of energy, and so much joy. He has the best smile, he makes me laugh so much, and i love getting to spend every day with him. I love that we work a job where i get to have around me everyday.
We had some friends over last night, and they were asking if we still get amazed at God's provision.

I told them that we do. That it still amazes me every month when God continues to meet our needs and provide for us. We have two great cars. We just moved to a great house only about 2 blocks from the beach. It's totally great. We moved in and it had a washer and dryer. Which we haven't had for the last 7 years. They lasted for about a month and then our dryer died, but somebody had a washer dryer set to give to us right away. It's just been really good.
I just wanted to write a post about how thankful i am...Thank you Jesus for everything you do for us!
Thanks- it so good to be reminded how great our God is and how he always provides. Miss you guys! Katie
Great to see you posting again bro. Thanks for the encourgement and your thankfullness. It is easy to forget.
Just commenting to let you know I read your entry. I am trying to keep gratitude and the long perspective in front of me more. It is hard. Thanks for the encouragement.
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