We went on vacation last week. It was a much needed vacation. We haven't been away just us, in forever. We are usually traveling with friends or visiting family. So it was a nice break to just get away and hang out together.
We went up and stayed at the YWAM base in San Francisco. It's not the nicest part of San Fran, but only 2 blocks from everything downtown. One of the benefits of being in YWAM is usually can call up any base in the world and see if they have any hospitality rooms availabe. So we went up on Tuesday, ate this Indian restaurant place we love called Naan & Curry. Then on Wednesday we went out to Alcatraz. Neither of us had been out there, so it was a neat experience. We got to go on this Myth's of Alcatraz tour that took us to all these parts you don't usually see. We got to go down where they filmed parts of the Rock. It was a good time.
We came home on

On Friday we had our staff fun day out at Avila valley barn. We dressed Eli up as a cow. It was fun. We got some great pictures of him. Had fun with our staff out there, and then went and hung out at one of our staff houses. We went from there to a friends birthday party at this new karaoke bar. It was fun, i sang some fun songs. Now we are just trying to enjoy the rest of our weekend.