I have also been reading a couple of books. I started out reading "Letters to a Young Evangelical" by Tony Campolo. It was a really good book with lots of challenging thoughts in it. I would encourage everyone to read this book. I'd put some quotes down but one of our friends is borrowing it right now.

Then there are a couple of books i have to read for our worship department at church. But they have been really good reads. The first one was "Facedown" by Matt Redman. It was amazing and only around 100 pages. It had great thougths on worship and worship truely is. Worship needs to stop being about us and about bringing glory to God. Great little nuggets in this small little book.

The last book that I'm attempting to read right now is "Cat and Dog Theology". It's a really good book as well. It's about the difference between the way that Cat's and Dogs think. Cat's are always looking for ways that they can be blessed, but dog's bless you just because they can. It's how we always look for God to bless us, instead of looking to bless him, even if things aren't going well in our life.

Well that's it for now...i will try to blog again soon...
And that is why Dogs are better then cats...
I'm almost done Letters...but need to pause for Harry Potter...
Other theology opposite book ideas?
Private and Social health care Theology.
Coke and Pepsi Theology
East coast / West coast Rap Theology
Mac and PC Theology
The possibilities are endless!
I wanna check out Tony's Book...looks interesting but all must wait until I'm done with Deathly Hallows.
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