I love that i can say that. Sorry to my friends in Canada that have it permanently, but after growing up for 21 years. I love the fact that i have to drive to snow. We went to Lori's family christmas this weekend up to Shaver Lake which is in the Sierra Nevada mountains (i think).
Anyway it started out snowing just a tiny bit on saturday night. So we took Elijah out for his first snow picture ever. We went to sleep and woke up to atleast 6 to 8 inches of the fluffy white goodness. I think i'm only calling it that because i get to drive away and leave it there.

I felt so un-canadian as i was digging our car out of the snow. i was using a dust pan to dig my car out of the snow. That's also the real picture of our new car. It was so nice up in the snow this weekend. i had fun using the 4 wheel drive as well.

We are having a blast with Elijah, and loving being parents. He is starting to sleep well. It's so much fun. i love him so much....he's now passed out on my chest as i type this out. I love just having him lay here. I love our dad n me times.
Horray! New pics...finally! You guys look ecstatic! We can't wait to meet Eli when you come to visit in April.
i just got your comment nowwwwww! after months and months! i didn't realized i'd set my comments setting to be approved first and i thought no one was c ommenting. turns out i was the dork and wasn't seeing that i had all these comments sitting waiting for me to approve! blogger needs to make it more obvious haha. well thats awesome how small our world is.... hows ywam in california? im' actually now with ywam in oxford new zealand! havin a blast! i'm the registrar at this point and helping out with the bls (basic leadership school) and dts too. lovin it! hawaii dts was great too... u of n main base in kona. but this place in new zealand is muchhhh more my style. my heart. so God is good to lead me here :)
bless you!
snow, man i am glad I can see it from a far and not have to drive in it. I am reading Irresistable Revolution too. So far so good
No snow here. And none forcasted for Christmas! Gotta love that Global Warming.
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