Today is just one of those days when you wish you could just go back to bed and wake up tomorrow. I don't know what's going on but there's just something that's getting me down today. Everything is pissing me off, and people are driving me nuts. But then i stop and i still feel like crap, but there's so much good stuff happening. I'm about to be a dad. i have an awesome wife. i have so much to be thankful for. Especially after i just read my friend ang's blog about all this crap that's happening in the sudan. but regardless i'm still having a crappy day. i found this cool picture on flickr.com. it kind of represents my day it seems dark and gloomy, but there's still some good in it. We're about to go and have thanksgiving, i know it was on monday. our staff all get together every friday night and have dinner, so we just decided to have our canadian thanksgiving tonight instead. Sorry that this hasn't been a happy joy blog.
hey man, sorry about your day. Thanks for being so honest and real, sometimes people just have a crappy day.
Jesus, i ask you to be with Will. Take care of him and give him peace and rest. Later bro.
With Love
Hey Will,
Hope today is a little better for you. Try listening to song #5!!! at least it should make you smile :)
Everybody has crappy days...and it's ok to admit it.
Talked to your mom at church this morning. She is getting very excited about her trip to California to meet her new grandson. I told her maybe she would get there before he was born. I'm sure Lori hopes she doesn't go that far overdue.
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