Hope Eternal the t-shirt company that i started with YWAM Pismo Beach at the beginning of the year, is starting to take shape. We have almost sold all of the shirts that we printed, and are in need to order more. We have our shirts available online, in a surf shop in Pismo and a bookstore in San Luis Obispo.
We are hoping to print two new t-shirt designs by September 1st. The following designs were made by the amazingly talented Jon Lunsford.

We were praying for Tibet and felt like through God we could see true freedom for Tibet. Everyone has seen the bumber stickers for Tibet or the t-shirts that say Free Tibet. Even if we see Tibet freed from China there are still the spiritual aspects that hold the country back.
These are two other designs that Jon has done for us as well. Blogger is being a little bit annoying right now, so it won't let me upload pictures right. So i'll have to add the other designs later. We really love them both and are waiting for the finances to come through to print them. Thanks again Jon for all your great designs.